MTI University : Prof. Dr. HODA MAHMOUD EL-AASAR (طباعة)
آخر تحديث: السبت 12/12/2020 02:17 م


Juli 2019 Up to date:   Professor and Chairman of Anatomy department, Faculty of Medicine , MTI University

June-2007 up to date:  Professor of Anatomy & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine. Cairo University.


1.8.2015- 29.8.2018:   Chairman of Anatomy & Embryology Department. Faculty of Medicine- Cairo University.

24.3.2015-1.10.2015:   Manager of Quality Assurance Unit. Faculty of Medicine.    Cairo University.

Oct. 2011-Oct. 2013:      Deputy of  the Anatomy department Council.

26.6.2002-25.6.20007: Assistant Professor of  Anatomy& Embryology,             Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

28.5.97- 25.6.2002:      Lecurer of Anatomy & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

2.7.95- 27.5.97:        Lecturer of Anatomy & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

August 89–July 95:      Accompaning husband to London, finishing the theoretical part of  the MD thesis, through the communication with the Royal College of Surgeon of England and London and Liverpool Universities and working as a part time Anatomy Demonstrator .

19.11.87- August 89:      Assistant Lecturer of Anatomy at the Faculty of

                                        Medicine, Cairo University.

23.4.83 – 18.11.87:         Anatomy Demonstrator at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo


1.3.82 - 28.2.83 :        Internship Physician at Cairo University Hospitals.



A)   At the level of the Faculty of Medicine (Kasr AlAiny), Cairo University:

·      Manager of the Quality Assurance Unit (24.3.2015 – 1.10.2015).

·      Member of the Committee of the Postgraduate  Programs & Courses Spicification of the Faculty of medicine, Cairo University ( from 2009-2018) .

·        Member of The Research Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (2010 up to date).

·        Member of the Faculty of Medicine Council   for the year 2013/2014 and then from April 2015 to July 2018.

·        Member of the General Internal Audit Committee sharing in accreditation achievement for the Faculty of medicine Cairo University in the year 2010/2011 (appreciation letter received from the Dean).


B)  At the level of the Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine (Kasr AlAiny), Cairo University.

·    Referee of Anatomy Scientific committee for upgrade applicants for positions of professors and assesstant professors.

·        Internal and external examiner for MD and MSc degree theses of Anatomy and embryology.

·      Member of the Scientific Research Committee.

·      Member of the Committee of Medical Education Development of the Anatomy Department.

·      Coordinator of the Course Specification of Anatomy for the 1st and 2nd year medical students.

·      Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program and Course Specification Committee of MSc and MD degrees of Anatomy.

·      Coordinator of the Training Program Specification of Anatomy.

·      Annual preparation of  the Course Report of the Anatomy department for the 1st and 2nd year Medical Students ( from 2006 to 2011).

·      Supervision and organization of the Anatomy lectures and practical sessions given to the 1st and 2nd year Malaysian Medical Students, in the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (from 2006- 2013) and dealing seriously with any problem or a request of any of those students.




·      Referee of Anatomy Scientific committee for upgrade applicants for positions of professors and assesstant professors.

·      Reviewer in the Medical Journal of Cairo University.

·      Reviewer in Journal of Histology of Cairo University.

·      Supervision of the theses  of the candidates of MSc. And M.D. Degrese 



-       Sharing in writting books of anatomy, for the medical students of the 1st and 2nd year- Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (2012-2019)

-       Writing the books of Anatomy for the medical students of the Faculty of Medicine –MTI University (2019- up to date.


- Certificates of attendance and active participation in the activities of Professional Development Program for Medical Faculty Members held in Medical Eduction Development Center (MEDC):

1.     Attendance of  "Tools of Scientific Research Program

2.     Attendance of  "Special Tools of Teaching Program.

3.     Attendance of  program of "Preparation of Scientific Papers and International Publication

4.     Attendance of " Communication Skills Program.

5.     Attendance of program of “ Using High Technology in Teaching”.

- Attendance of the Annual Conference of Egyptian Anatomical Society (Certificates).

- Attendance of the Annual Conference of Egyptian Society of Basic Medical Science.

- Attendance of the Annual Medical Congress held in Kasr El-Aini, Cairo University.

- Attendance of the Annual International Radiology Conference held in Kasr El-Aini, Cairo University.

- Attendance of the Annual International Congress of the Egyptian Orthopaedic Association (E.O.A.).

- Attendance of Conference of the High Education Sector of the National Sosciety of Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation. May 25th 2015.

-  Attendance of the Regional Conference in Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Arab States Region: Sustainability and Future Development. June 7th & 8th – 2015 (held in Conrad Hotel- Cairo).

- Attendance of the annual conference of Egyptian Anatomical Society held in Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University (September, 2017).


1.     Training Course For preparing The University Lecturer, April 1995.

2.     Curriculum Revision workshop (26-12-2007)             

3.     Objective Written Examinations (6-12-2009)

4.     Objective Clinical/ Practical Exams, OSCE/OSPE (27-12-2009)

5.     Course Specification (30-12-2009)

6.     Integration of Curriculae (10-1-2010)

7.     Integration In Medical Education (24-1-2010)

8.     Curriculum Development (4-2-2010)

9.     Student Assessment (26-4-2010)

10.  Teaching and Learning Methods (7-3-2010)

11.   Evidence Based Medicine (18-3-2010)

12.   Benchmarking (2012)

13.   Formative assessments (17-3-2013)

14.   Objective Oral Examinations (VIVA Cards)(24-3-2013)

15.   MCQ Bank (2012/ 2013)

16.   Blueprint (2012/2013)

17.   Editors' workshop- Cairo University (15-2-2015)

18.   Pre-Conference workshop in Quality Assurance in Higher EducationIn Arab States Region: Sustainability and Future Development (held in Conrad Hotel- Cairo):

  • Workshop No. (1): Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions, on 6th of June 2015.
  • Workshop No. (2): Training of external reviewers workshop, on 6th of June 2015.



1) An anatomical study of the small saphenous vein and its communications in man (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, July 1999).

2) Histological and biophysical effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on normal and ischemic colonic anastomoses in albino rats (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, January 2000).

3) Topographical anatomy of the external laryngeal nerve (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, January 2000).

4) Study of the effect of unilateral vasectomy or vasoligation on the testis and epididymis of adult albino rat (published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, January 2000). 

5) Iliac compression syndrome: an anatomical and clinical study (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, July 2000).

6) An anatomical and histological study of the effect of photoperiod on testicular development and activity in albino rat (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, July 2000).

7) Effect of a liquid oxygen suplement on the arterial partial pressure of oxygen in normal and hypoxic guinea pigs (Published in Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, Marsh 2001)

8) The effect of Carnosine in prevention and treatment of osteoporotic lumbar vertebrae of ovariectomized hamsters (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, January 2003).

9) Comparative effect of inhalation of pyrethroid-containing mosquito repellent mats on the liver of the adult and growing male albino rats (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, July 2003).

10) Morphological and histological study of the effects of prenatal photoperiod on postnatal testicular development in albino rat (presented and accepted in the Scientific Conference of The Egyptian Anatomical Society held in Cairo University, December 2003).

11) Effect of cyclosporine withdrawal  after short- and long-term  cyclosporine A exposure on the kidney of male albino rats (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, July 2004).

12) Variations of arterial supply of the kidney in man: anatomical and angiographic study (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, July 2004).

13) The effect of maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation on the lung of albino rat offspring (Published in the Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, July 2004).

14) Morphological features of normal human skeletal muscle in different age groups : A histological and ultrastructural study (Published in International Journal : Journal of medical sciences, vol (7): 161-169 Febuary 2007).

15) Experimental study of the effect of ramipril on the kidney of adult albino rat with controlled diabetes mellitus (Presented and accepted in the 25th Annual Conference of The Egyptian society of Basic Medical Science in April 2006).

16) The role of Carnosine in protection against the damaging effect of maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation on the lung of albino rat (Published in International Journal : Journal of medical sciences,  vol (7) : 19-30 January 2007).

17) Morphological and Morphometric Renal Changes in the Adult Albino Rat Following Oral Administration of Deltamethrin and the Possible Protective Role of Vitamin "E (published in international journal:  Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 6(4): 280-290 April (2010).

18) Concomitant Protective and Therapeutic Role of Verapamil in Chronic Mercury Induced Nephrotoxicity in The Adult Rat: Histological, Morphometric and Ultrastructural Study. (published in international journal:  Arch. Med. Sci., 11(1):199-209 ( 2015).

19) Morphological and Morphometric Study of the Acetabulum in Egyptians: A Dry bone and Radiographic Study. (published in the the Egyptian Journal for medical sciences,  May 2016).

20) Selenium protection against mercury neurotoxicity: Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy in the anterior pituitary. (published in international journal: Life Sci. 2019) .