1. MD in Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, November 2012
1. Head of Medical Biochemistry Department and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Modern university for technology and information,Cairo,Egypt from 2019 till present
2. Associate professor Of Medical Biochemistry Department and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt from 2018 till present
3. Member of Basic Research Unit, Medical Research Unit, Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine from 2016 till present
4. Coordinator Of Biomedical Research Department, Armed Forces College of medicine from 2016 till 2017
5. Coordinator Of Medical Biochemistry Department and Molecular Biology, Armed Forces College of medicine from 2016 till 2017
Medical Biochemistry Department and Molecular Biology
Scopus ID:
Google Scholar ID
Researchgate ID
H index: 15(Scopus: 13) total citations: 622(scopus: 483) RG score: 32.55
1- Sharing as CO-Principal Investigator in a project entitled; Development of nanoassay for early detection of Bladder Cancer. Ain Shams University project 2014-2015
2-Sharing as CO-Principal Investigator in a project entitled; Development of nanoassay for early detection of Diabetic nephropathy. RSGT 6653, STDF 2015-2016
3-Sharing as Principal investigator in a project entitled; targeting miRNA by medicinal plants to modulate autophagy signaling pathway: A new therapeutic approach of diabetic nephropathy, RSGT 2751, STDF 2015-2016
4- Sharing as CO-Principal Investigator in a project entitled; Target-based therapeutic approach towards diabetes mellitus by modifying autophagy Signaling, Special Targeted Call: Health (Call 3), “TC/3/Health/2017, STDF.
5- Sharing as CO-Principal Investigator in a project entitled; Exosomes as divine messengers in Breast cancer: Implications for inter-cellular communication, therapy and biomarker development. Basic & Applied Research, STDF 2017
6-Sharing as CO- Principal Investigator in a project entitled; Gene editing of lncRNA-associated ceRNAs network: in treating type 2 DM. ASRT JESOR 2017, ID: 2017-2961.
7- Sharing as CO- Principal Investigator in a project entitled; implementation of comprehensive molecular & next generation sequencing- based genetic testing strategy to improve and prevent fatal outcomes of coronary artery disease related to familial hypercholesterolemia. ASRT JESOR 2017, ID: 2017-
8- Sharing as CO-Principal investigator in a project entitled; Evbaluation of renal damage after PCNL and ESWEL using novel RNA markers, STDF young researcher 2019
9- Sharing as CO-Principal Investigator in a project entitled; Targeted approach for Gut Microbiome Manipulation, novel key player in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Management. ASRT JESOR 2019
10- Sharing as CO-Principal Investigator in a project entitled; Gut Microbiota-Derived Mediators Role in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. ASRT JESOR 2019
11- Sharing as team member in collaboration with Genomic center ,Zweil University in a project entitled , Development of point of care nano-microfluidic device platform for the detection of Hepatitis C virus in serum specimens and detection of hepatocellular carcinoma specific circulating miRNAs for early diagnosis of HCV and liver cancer . Basic & Applied Research, STDF 2019
12-Sharing as team member in collaboration with Genomic center, Zweil University in a project entitled, Exome sequencing in breast cancer. Basic & Applied Research, STDF 2018
13- Sharing as Principal investigator in a project entitled; evaluating the Clinical Significance of the Nourin-Based RNA Network for the Early Detection of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Patients. Armed Forced College of Medicine and Nour Heart Diagnostics &Theraputics, USA, 2017.
14- Sharing as a member in FP7 project entitled (Proteomic analysis in breast screening study) during the period between (2010-2012).
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis (15)
PHD supervision (20)
Publications (61 international publications)
1- (US20190383809) A Novel Autophagy-Related Nourin Gene-Based RNA Network as Early Biomarkers for Cardiac Patients. Salwa Ahmed Elgebaly- Marwa Matboli Sayed
2-Rapid nanoassay for detection of miRNA in urine. ASERT 1631-2017.ID- 16252402
3- Transcriptome spectral analysis using hyperspectral imaging for hepatocellular carcinoma detection. ASERT 1561-2019.
International conference Participation:
1.I nternational Biotechnology and Research Conference
April 25-27, 2018 Rome, Italy. Evaluation of a Panel of CirRNAs Expression as a Novel Potential Biomarker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Kerolos A, Marwa Matboli1, Ayman El-Sayed Shafei, Ahmed M Ashry, Kamal M Kamal3, Mohammed Ali Agag3, Ibrahim Reda3, Hana M Abdelzaher3 and Mahmoud A Ali2
2. Clinical Bioinformatics As a novel approach towards better diagnosis & treatment of human diseases. International Conference of Oncology& Urology, Cairo,1-3/May 2017
3. Investigating miRNA-661 and ATG4b mRNA expression as a potential biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma. Biotech Congress 2017:Rome 2017
4.Circular RNAs as Novel Player in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Functional Considerations and Clinical Translation. World Congress on Cancer. May 3-5, 2017, Melia Barajas, Madrid, Spain. MADRID
5. Clinical implication of miRNA-Autophagy Target Gene Association in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. BITs 9th Cancer Congress international conference, Shangahi, China 2016
•Silver Medal for iGEM Egypt team in IGEM competition in Boston, USA, Sharing as instructor (2018)
•Gold Medal for iGEM Egypt team in IGEM competition in Boston, USA, Sharing as instructor for proposal entitled; Competing endogenous RNA network: Potential entrants to gene editing in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (2017)
•Bronze medal for IGEM Egypt Team in IGEM competition in Boston, USA, Sharing as secondary PI for proposal entitled; Targeting circular RNA in hepatocellular carcinoma (2016).
•Ain Shams University Award for international Publication
Editorial Board Member
•Journal of Medical Biotechnology (https://www.pulsus.com/archives-medical-biotechnology/editorial-board.html)
•Pharmacology and Therapeutic Research Journal
Reviewer in many international journals
• Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy
• DNA and Cell Biology
• Oncotarget
• Clinics in Research in hepatology & gastroenterology
• Tumor biology
• Translational cancer research
• Cancer biomarkers
• Biomed Research International